We are partnering with an incredible community aid organization Pandemic of Love. Simply put, Pandemic of Love is an organized network of trained volunteers who match Recipients in need with Donors who can give. This organization was founded by Shelly Tygielski from Lighthouse Point. Since its inception a few short weeks ago in March, Shelly has received press coverage and celebrity endorsements of her cause. To date Pandemic of Love has matched over 40,000 people in need with willing donors who have given in excess of $5 Million!
Here are our Pandemic of Loves links, one to GIVE help and one to GET help:
Give Help: https://tinyurl.com/GiveHelp-KWPandemicofLove
Get Help: https://tinyurl.com/GetHelp-KWPandemicofLove
LOVE is the virus. LOVE is infectious. LOVE is the CURE. Let’s show the World that sickness isn’t the only thing that can go VIRAL!