I wish I could take credit for this great post, but it was from a colleague of mine. It’s too good not to share, however.
“A past client of mine – who owns a pizza shop – calls me and proceeds to tell me how he is going to buy a property (FSBO) so they can “cut out the brokers fees.” He goes on to tell me how proud he is that he read “THE BOOK” (what book I don’t know) and is following it to investor success.
In the next breath he asks me to run comps, closing costs, give him contacts for mtg reps and title cos and give him advice on what the next steps are to completing the transaction as well as negotiation tips.
I took a deeeeep breath…told him to hold on I was on my way to his shop and that I would be right there to have this convo in person.
I arrived but before I would let him speak I handed him two frozen pizzas I bought at the supermarket – I asked him to place them in his oven so they could cook, cut them and serve them to me at his table before we could talk business. He was appalled – how dare I ask him to do such a thing, don’t I know that HE makes pizzas and that is how he pays his bills? I just looked at him and smiled … I could see the light bulb turn on.”